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Beautiful sky,beautiful colors, beautiful peace,beautiful horizon. Skyline will so far,see,united colors,right now, orange,white and gray,beauties somehow.

Buildings through mountains,so far so close,so fast and so slow,beauties! Same horizon,same destiny,same place. I just want to wander to see your face.

I traveled through you,my lovely horizon, my radical horizon,my rock n' roll horizon, city of skyline will so far,skyline so far this way, you are beautiful in orange,white and gray.

Feels good tonight,I'm the center of you, you are the center of me,divide the day. Divide of you,divide of me,you light my way, brought you to me,close,come on let's lay.

No sun blinding,no moon bright,no stars. Hot days,cold days,rainy days,I'm wandering to... dark dawn,in dark horizon,watching your face, I just want to wander and remember that place.

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